Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Medicated society

I think I'm just a prime example of American pride
Cause I'm always on the medication, all of the time
Cause the doctor says I'm not well
Cause my brain just can't keep still
it's always dreamin' up deranged stuff while my body sleeps at night

"Plastic Ocean" by Jack Ventimiglia

Do you remember in school when it was lunch time and the school authorities came around to call kids for their daily dose? It seems like society in the US has become indifferent to medicating children and young adults. To me, it seems like this is the main reason for the extreme difference in the number of school shootings and other violence in the US as opposed to other countries. In fact, there have been so many school shootings in the US that Wikipedia deemed it necessary to have a separate page on just US School shootings. 
Note the amount of shootings in the 20th and 21st centuries.

When researching the history of ADHD, I found an article on which stated the following

When you hear of a school shooting, as a rule, you'll soon see that the child/young adult was on some type of medication. So, why are we doing this to our young generation?

No one will argue that ADD/ADHD are over-diagnosed. It takes as much as a parent complaining to a doctor, and the kid is put on meds. It's that simple. Yes, there are standardized assessments, but those are totally incapable of objectively evaluating for such issues (In the author's opinion). This is also evidenced by the fact the ADD/ADHD has no other treatment other than medication. There is no counselling or psychiatric help, it's purely drugs. 

Personally, to me, the entire American society has lost touch with reality. TV, especially music videos and shows are a perfect example. Have you ever noticed how popular music videos are snippets that jump back and forth between shots, and different angles? This isn't a mistake on the part of the director. This is what people want. They have no patience and the attention span of a young bull full of sperm.

Take a moment to reevaluate what's going on. It's up to the generation that's going to have kids to solve this problem. Don't let a doctor ruin your child.

Katt Williams highlights the issue of Drugs in America

Stop this bullshit!

There are a myriad of documentaries out there, so if you want to know more, check them out.

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